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Lake Como

regal northern italian retreat

A deep, wishbone shaped glacial lake, Lake Como sits at the foothills of the Alps, just a few kilometers from the Swiss border. It's 99 miles of shoreline are dotted with dozens of idyllic Italian towns, most featuring centuries-old town centers with lightly commercialized. collections of restaurants, shops and, yes, gellaterias.

Protected by the Alps from most major climate concerns, Lake Como's favorable year-round weather has enticed the Italian gentry for centuries. As a result, the Lake Como area has developed a rich history of splendid villas, stately palaces and grand hotels.

And, as well earned as Lake Como's reputation is for catering to the upper class, appealing restaurants and hotels can be enjoyed at reasonable prices, especially during shoulder seasons. Even a good-weather day trip from Milan or Lugano is a pleasant and affordable way to experience Lake Como.

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